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Womanist Traumatologist
Antara Rashida, a Womanist Traumatologist, unearths the language of pain to dismantle intergenerational trauma in the lives of families to bring healing to their lineage and hope to their legacy through restoring the remnant. She serves people who are determined to shift from paralysis to purpose and from trauma to triumph.
Familiar with the journey from victim to victorious, Antara Rashida specifically supports people who are ready to brave through their grief and the patterns associated with the trauma. Trauma, such as domestic violence, rape, intergenerational, and more is addressed through 1:1 Triumphant Talks, Conversation Cafes, and Trauma Healing Groups. Clients can reconcile their issues within themselves to create harmony which extends healthily into relationships with peers, family, and community.
Antara Rashida is no stranger to overcoming trauma. She has two degrees and is currently working on her Ph.D., but her greatest degree is her experience. Overcoming wounds from her mother’s womb and daddy’s seed was no easy feat. Her parents’ journey through addiction and mental illness led to community raising with her grandmother as the primary caregiver. As an only child, she was gifted with the insight to see the family enmeshment at an early age. By 12, she lived in Georgia, Hawaii, and New York with her mom and various aunts, uncles, and cousins. Surrounded by emotionally immature adults, dysfunctional transactions masked as love, and competition among siblings led to intergenerational trauma which has been passed down to their children and continues to drive division. She survived childhood rape and had to return to her place of abuse during the pandemic as a last resort to avoid homelessness and displacement. Through faith, therapy, and creating a community with transparency, Antara moved her family from that gloom, obtained her master’s during the pandemic while residing where the abuse took place, relaunched Restoring the Remnant ministry, created a Safe Place for people to have church by phone the week after the pandemic started, and opened The Traumatology Center in May 2022.